Wednesday, December 24, 2008

What To Do With All Those Relatives....

Got a crowded house this Christmas? Wondering how to keep all those relatives busy and out of trouble? Try this this idea, which you may remember from this blog entry during last year's Christmas season.

Cut some strips of paper paper, scrapbook paper, any colors will do.... Set out some pens, pencils, crayons (take your pick). Prompt them with these two phrases:

"It's just not Christmas until...."


"You know it's really Christmas when...."

Tell them to finish those sentences, writing whatever they come up with on the strips of paper. (They can also list favorite Christmas memories, favorite presents, etc.) Then take all the strips of paper and paper chain. Hang it where everyone can read it ...then stand back and enjoy the flood of memories and laughter that will follow!

Here are a few that I came up with that first year:

A Charlie Brown Christmas on TV

Steve & Eydie on the radio

Red & Green wrapped Hershey's Kisses

Aunt Becky's Christmas Toffee

I tried this one year and it's been a tradition with us every since. Oh, we don't always make an actual paper chain, but not a Christmas goes by with out us taking note of things we could add to one. It keeps us counting our blessings instead of bogged down in all the Holiday Hoopla. I hope it does the same for your family!

If you haven't read it yet, you should go back and read the whole story.

Here's a picture of my original "Christmas Memory Chain":


  1. Great ideas!

  2. You've been tagged Donna. See my blog for details!

  3. OMG! We have shelves JUST LIKE THAT in our house! They used to be the store room shelves in my husband's comic shop! I never thought I'd ever see anyone else using them! LOL!

    And I love that tradition! I wish it was before Christmas so we could do it now! ^-^
