When she first contacted me she said she wanted a special pocket mirror to give to her daughter. She said she loves pink and elephants and butterflies and glitter.
Two thoughts occurred to me:
1. I'm knee-deep in a custom order of 15 Mini-Puzzle Ball Christmas Ornaments and don't have a lot of time for graphic design brainstorming right now.
2. "Girly" does not describe me. I'm about as "tomboy" as you can get and have been so for all of my 50 years on this planet.
I decided to call in reinforcements.
I told the CafeMom Etsy Moms Street Team about this because I knew several members are talented graphic artists who might be interested in this project. After gathering some designs from the ladies and submitting several to the customer, this one was her favorite.

I pressed it by hand with my professional button machine and materials and covered it with mylar and turned it into the pocket mirror pictured here.

You should check out the Etsy shop of the Cafemom Etsy Mom who helped me with this project, mamaslittlemonkeys for some great stuff for babies, kids and their mamas. She's also opened a second Etsy shop, fleurdeink, for some really special flower pens she makes:
If you're a member of CafeMom.com and also an Etsy seller, stop by and see our CafeMom Etsy Moms Group sometime.
Thanks for taking time to participate in the carnival. Hoping your puzzles balls are going well - you've been real busy with them!
ReplyDeleteThat was a great way of networking with the CafeMoms! Good for you - they probably got a kick out of it too.